Hobbywing Nano F4 With OSD - New Hobbywing XRotor Nano F4 Flight Controller for RC FPV Quadcopoter Drone
Wheelbase: Screws
Upgrade Parts/Accessories: Flight controller
Tool Supplies: Assembled class
Technical parameters: Value 2
Size: Flight Controller
Remote Control Peripherals/Devices: Flight controller
RC Parts & Accs: Flight controller
Quantity: 1 pcs
Model Number: Flight Controller
Material: Flight controller
Four-wheel Drive Attributes: Assemblage
For Vehicle Type: Airplanes
Hobbywing XRotor Nano F4 Flight Controller MINI F4 With OSD for RC FPV Quadcopoter Drone
Product Number:31001001
Compatible with(multirotors):Hexacopters
Muiti-rotor Type:Quadcopters
Fc Programming:Supported
Programming via:Betaflight/Cleanflight-configurator
Compatible with(Transmitters):PPM.Spektrum.SBUS.SUMH.XBUS.IBUS.JETIEBUX.CRSF.SRXL.
Bec:5V 1.5A
Board size:27mm*27mm
The Hobbywing XRotor Nano F4 Flight Controller (Size 2) features all the functions that regular flight controllers for FPV offer. It's incredibly small. allowing it to be mounted in even more miniaturized airframes (such as those with a size of 130mm or below).
Supporting multiple DShot modes. including DShot 150. DShot 300. DShot 600. and DShot 1200. in addition to regular FWM mode. this flight controller also features OneShot125. OneShot42. and MultiShot modes for greater flexibility.
The SIM32F403 microcontroller features a powerful computing capacity and rapid operating speed. enabling it to effectively support the PID controller with a higher cyclic frequency.
The Hobbywing Nano F4 flight controller features a built-in Battery Eliminator Circuit (BEC) and On-Board System (OSD). which enables power distribution to various electronic components. The internal OSD allows for easy access to adjust or set all OSD parameters.
The Hobbywing XRotor Nano F4 flight controller supports both Betaflight and Cleanflight firmware. making it ideal for FPV flight and racing applications.
Compatible with Hobbywing XRotor Nano 4-in-1 ESCs. pair the Hobbywing Nano F4 flight controller with the Hobbywing XRotor Nano ESC.
Specifications Product Namc Nano F4 Flight Controllcr Product Number 10010o1 Basic Fcaturcs Compatible vaich (Mulzirotors) hcxacopicrs Multi-rotor Typc Quadcoptcts FC Programming Supportcd Programming via BctafiighuClcanflight-confiqurator Conipatiblc"