Matek System H743 / MINI H743 Flight Controller - STM32H743VIT6 ICM20602 Built-in OSD DPS310 PDB for FPV RC Racing Drone Parts
Matek System H743 / MINI H743 Flight Controller SPECIFICATIONS
Wheelbase: Screws
Upgrade Parts/Accessories: Adapter
Tool Supplies: Assembled class
Technical parameters: Value 2
Remote Control Peripherals/Devices: Remote Controller
Recommend Age: 12+y
RC Parts & Accs: Speed Controllers
Quantity: 1 pcs
Origin: Mainland China
Model Number: H743-MINI
Material: Metal
Four-wheel Drive Attributes: Assemblage
For Vehicle Type: Helicopters
Matek System H743 MINI H743 Flight Controller STM32H743VIT6 ICM20602 Built-in OSD DPS310 PDB for FPV RC Racing Drone Parts
FC Specifications
- MCU: STM32H743VIT6. 480MHz . 1MB RAM. 2MB Flash
- IMU: MPU6000 (SPI1) & ICM20602 (SPI4)
- Baro: Infineon DPS310 (I2C2)
- OSD: AT7456E (SPI2)
- Blackbox: MicroSD card socket (SDIO)
- 5.5x Uarts ( Rx8)
- 11x PWM outputs(S1~S10. LED)
- 2x I2C (I2C1/DA1 CL1 pads. no I2C2 breakout)
- 1x CAN (C-H. C-L pads)
- 5x ADC (VBAT. Current. RSSI. VB2. CU2)
- 3x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue. Red) and 3.3V indicator(Red)
- 1x JST-SH1.0_8pin connector (Vbat/G/Curr/Rx8/S1/S2/S3/S4)
- Dual Camera Inputs switch
- 8V power ON/OFF switch
- Vbat Input: 6.3~36V (2~8S LiPo)
- BEC: 5V 1.5A cont. (Max.2A)
- BEC: 8V 1.5A cont. (Max.2A). 8V outputs stable when Vbat>=10V. 8V outputs 80% of Vbat when Vbat< 10V
- LDO 3.3V: 200mA
- VB2 pad supports Max. 69V (voltage divider 1K:20K)
- Static power: 200mA@5V with Betaflight. 150mA@5V with ArduPilot
FC Firmware
- ArduPilot(ChiBiOS): MATEKH743
- BetaFlight: MATEKH743
- INAV: MATEKH743 (To be supported soon)
- Mounting
- 20 x 20mm/Φ3mm with Silicon Grommets
- 20 x 20mm/Φ2mm with Silicon & Brass Grommets
- Dimensions: 36 x 28 x 6.5mm
- Weight: 7g
- 1x H743-MINI
- 6x Silicon grommets M4 to M3
- 6x Brass grommets M3 to M2
- 1x JST-SH1.0_8pin cable. 5cm
- 2x JST-SH1.0_8pin connectors
The C1 mode can be switched using ArduPilot's Relay feature or Modes/USER2 (BFiINAV). By default. this mode is enabled on TXI/RXI via UART1 at 8X baud rate. Additionally. when in VX mode. the transmitter's TXA/Rx4 channel communicates with the flight controller via UART4 at a speed of 31.25 kHz.